Official Trophy List
List Of Awards
Showing All Awards for Year 53 Stallion Futurity
Era 0 Stallion Futurity Standings:
Asclepius LG15 owned by LookingGoodTop 10 Foals:
LA 2933329 owned by LaurierArabians
LA Honey Blade owned by LaurierArabians
LA 2933308 owned by LaurierArabians
LA 2933325 owned by LaurierArabians
LA Commander DFP2 $ owned by LaurierArabians
Rhapsody Primary Hijinx owned by Walywoohoo
LA 2933330 owned by LaurierArabians
LA 2933359 owned by LaurierArabians
TBPS 15 Cube Cows owned by Walywoohoo
LA 2933323 owned by LaurierArabians
Top 10 Foals:
SH Loganberry Jumping owned by Khisanth
Summers Titan Lavender owned by SummerMonarch
Tight Singing LexusSBA owned by Walywoohoo
Summers Titan Paragraph owned by SummerMonarch
Tight Command Degrees owned by Walywoohoo
SH Adored Mario owned by Khisanth
Tight Cow Racing owned by Walywoohoo
Tight Fair Attributes owned by Walywoohoo
Tight Macro Reply owned by Walywoohoo
Tight Porsche Conduct owned by Walywoohoo
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
BM7S 2754801 Dorian 1450 owned by Bluemesa
BM6SM 14 2535825 Dorian owned by Bluemesa
BM9SM 2294866 WickedCommand owned by Bluemesa
Fd Osmosis ww owned by FuturisticDrafts
Era 1 Stallion Futurity Standings:
MLNM Metal Things 6GF owned by AzilizMTop 10 Foals:
IR Show Pony 2938336 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938341 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938339 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938334 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938338 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938340 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938335 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938342 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938337 owned by IrishRunStables
PP Spot Things owned by ILoveGrays
Top 10 Foals:
Futury Fab Proceed owned by SummerMonarch
S Kh E1 F Ought Jackfruit owned by Khisanth
S Kh E1 F Zoning Mins owned by Khisanth
P Kh E1 F Rex Lace owned by Khisanth
Futury Fab Sunlight owned by SummerMonarch
show Salon Instrumental owned by DarkPhoenix
Futury Fab Alarmed owned by SummerMonarch
Futury Fab Consecutive owned by SummerMonarch
Futury Fab Garden owned by SummerMonarch
show Remember Pantyhose owned by DarkPhoenix
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
E1 ApexPredator 5 Max STS owned by FoxBrookFarm
DP E1 Charcoal 1390 owned by DarkPhoenix
DP E1 Beach Tans 1330 owned by DarkPhoenix
Hiddens Embolden Win owned by LookingGood
Era 2 Stallion Futurity Standings:
DP E2 Doubletake 1350 owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
RAM Two Thieves owned by RamshornSportHorses
SH Northern Commons owned by RamshornSportHorses
E2 DoubleScan Beast owned by Walywoohoo
RSH Yellow Towns owned by RamshornSportHorses
RAM Two Wrongs owned by RamshornSportHorses
RSH Yellow Failures owned by RamshornSportHorses
RSH Yellow Contribution owned by RamshornSportHorses
UB Retained G 2 owned by Unbridled
A Poison Seafood owned by RamshornSportHorses
E2 DoubleShow Super owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
Autumn RoyalFootman owned by FoxBrookFarm
QA2 Royal Chef FL owned by 12Quagga
Kh E2 F Iluvatar Toshiba owned by Khisanth
Royal Dance of Organisation owned by Walywoohoo
Autumns RoyalAide owned by FoxBrookFarm
Royal Dance of Brunei owned by Walywoohoo
QA2 Royal Cook FL owned by 12Quagga
Autumn7 RoyalHaunt owned by RideOutStar
Random 2931727 owned by VorpalAlice
QA2 Royal Ghost owned by 12Quagga
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
E2 Spaghetti Season X owned by Walywoohoo
DP E2 Harvest Rises 1380 owned by DarkPhoenix
Boost project 2768517 owned by LookingGood
LH3A Max Jolly SUP FT2 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Era 3 Stallion Futurity Standings:
sCt6PB 2819839 3rdUE owned by darkpixeTop 10 Foals:
E3 Future Fox owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Formula owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Leaves owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Sienna SBA owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future After owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Tier SBA owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Parliament owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Mau owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Avoiding owned by Walywoohoo
E3 Future Subcommittee owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
E4 Show Mist owned by Walywoohoo
G4 West Dreams owned by Walywoohoo
G4 Marionberry Dreams owned by Walywoohoo
E4 Show Swanky owned by Walywoohoo
E4 Future Understand owned by Walywoohoo
E4 Future Comfortable owned by Walywoohoo
E4 Future Glorious owned by Walywoohoo
E4 Future Drama owned by Walywoohoo
G4 Commissioners Dreams owned by Walywoohoo
G4 Massachusetts Dreams owned by Walywoohoo
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
3G Snowflake Finest owned by TallyHo
Winters Rulers 6x owned by SummerMonarch
Ct6ct5PB 2763310 3rdUE owned by darkpixe
CTS Alabaster Cliff owned by CarolynTheSword
Era 4 Stallion Futurity Standings:
DP E4 Misty Ashes owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
WSH Yummy Gleaming owned by RamshornSportHorses
RAM Flying Ashes owned by RamshornSportHorses
SH Dreams Smoking owned by RamshornSportHorses
RSH Yellow Election owned by RamshornSportHorses
E4 Show Samwise owned by Walywoohoo
E4 FineAsh Zeta owned by Walywoohoo
Meow 0000ooo 3015941 owned by SummerMonarch
Top 10 Foals:
Eq Admiralada FBF owned by FoxBrookFarm
Show 2938589 owned by LadyhawkeStables
SH Psychology owned by runaround
SH Notified owned by runaround
Random 2931728 owned by VorpalAlice
Equa7Oceanstorms owned by RideOutStar
Show 2938590 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Equa7OceanFamily2 owned by RideOutStar
Equa7Oceanstormsx owned by RideOutStar
SH Racy owned by runaround
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
Equatorial FreeFall 5X owned by SummerMonarch
Equatorial StormSurvival7 owned by SummerMonarch
E4 Quite Wild Equality owned by Walywoohoo
Equatorial Survival 4XN owned by SummerMonarch
Era 5 Stallion Futurity Standings:
RAM Archenemy owned by RamshornSportHorsesTop 10 Foals:
show Improve Immense owned by DarkPhoenix
show Officers Newbie owned by DarkPhoenix
show Vaccine Coding owned by DarkPhoenix
show Objects Rolling owned by DarkPhoenix
show Clamorous Thinking owned by DarkPhoenix
E5 Mojo Enemy Dodo owned by Walywoohoo
E5 Method Enemy Dodo owned by Walywoohoo
show Maniacal Roads owned by DarkPhoenix
E5 Neutron Enemy Dodo owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
IR Show Pony 2938503 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938507 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938504 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938513 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938511 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938509 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938506 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938512 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938501 owned by IrishRunStables
IR Show Pony 2938505 owned by IrishRunStables
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
GM Bone Fire 1G 2723674 owned by DevilsCash
5G4 A Knightly Love owned by LaurierArabians
Millennium This Is Me E5 owned by AzilizM
5G4 Cerulean Knight owned by LaurierArabians
Era 6 Stallion Futurity Standings:
DP E6G3 Syram owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
shw2936698 owned by TripleGFarm
G4 E6 Z Environmental owned by Walywoohoo
G4 E6 Z Gnome owned by Walywoohoo
G4 E6 Womens Zap owned by Walywoohoo
G4 E6 Yaupon Zap owned by Walywoohoo
G4 E6 Movies Zap owned by Walywoohoo
shw2936783 owned by TripleGFarm
G4 E6 Olympus owned by Walywoohoo
shw2936672 owned by TripleGFarm
E6 Future Neon owned by Walywoohoo
Top 10 Foals:
2961333 owned by AzilizM
4E6A 2936797 owned by TripleGFarm
shw2936827 owned by TripleGFarm
4E6B 2936829 owned by TripleGFarm
shw2936792 owned by TripleGFarm
G4 E6 Avi Trouble owned by Walywoohoo
G4 E6 Avi Routers SBA owned by Walywoohoo
shw2936794 owned by TripleGFarm
2961334 4G owned by AzilizM
G4 E6 Haven owned by Walywoohoo
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
RAM CrocAnok owned by RamshornSportHorses
*DPE6G1 Lord Ghyslaineah owned by DarkPhoenix
RAM Frosty Mood owned by RamshornSportHorses
G3 E6 Smooth Actor X owned by Walywoohoo
Era 7 Stallion Futurity Standings:
DP E7G1 Rhyolite owned by DarkPhoenixTop 10 Foals:
3093452 owned by lingonberry121391
ZE7 Rhydon FutLB owned by Acorn
3036688 owned by Silvershadow
3093457 owned by lingonberry121391
S Kh E7 G2 Rhy x IBW 3047586 owned by Khisanth
3047906 owned by Silvershadow
E7G2 Futurity 3055903 owned by Acorn
O2 7 F 3066434 owned by OTTB1
KT2 E7 Rhyo3081584 owned by Kintara
3036668 owned by Silvershadow
Top 10 Foals:
show Gzip Charts owned by DarkPhoenix
show Diameter Einstein owned by DarkPhoenix
show Fuzzy Hazards owned by DarkPhoenix
show Musical Oracle owned by DarkPhoenix
show Aggressive Mileage owned by DarkPhoenix
show Medieval Metric owned by DarkPhoenix
show Carlo Legacy owned by DarkPhoenix
show Campbell Ravenclaw owned by DarkPhoenix
3093463 owned by lingonberry121391
show Dollar Force owned by DarkPhoenix
Top 8 Foals:
Top 6 Foals:
Top 4 Foals:
E7 A Priceless Feeling owned by Walywoohoo
MLNM Heart E7 owned by AzilizM
KAM Silver Watches E7 owned by Kamcdaniel3
FFH7 Acre Matrix 1G owned by lingonberry121391