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MESA SERVER | Year: 60 Era: 8

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 40 Agouti Promoter Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: AAASnow35 Inclusion 133 owned by DragonsDen
Number 2: Equatorial Right Turn 3MX owned by SummerMonarch
Number 3: Equatorial Albuquerque 3MX owned by SummerMonarch
Number 4: Equatorial Hostage 3SS owned by SummerMonarch
Number 5: SP1781907 owned by SummerMonarch
Number 6: DFS Wyld Rushin Riva owned by BristolDawn
Number 7: G31608092 owned by SeaswellinGrey
Number 8: Equatorial Escape G2MX owned by SummerMonarch
Number 9: E3G2 GivNTakeZ4 owned by Acorn
Number 10: Lists Sunset owned by LookingGood

Top Producing Mare

Champion: AAASnow31 Streaming 131 owned by DragonsDen
Number 2: AAASnow31 Chief 133 owned by DragonsDen
Number 3: AAASnow31 Rugby AGA 131 owned by DragonsDen
Number 4: AAASnow31 AAAToro 133 owned by DragonsDen
Number 5: AAASnow35 Defined 135 owned by DragonsDen
Number 6: AAASnow31 Impressed 127 owned by DragonsDen
Number 7: AAASnow31 Jeans 125 owned by DragonsDen
Number 8: AAASnow31 Oil 128 owned by DragonsDen
Number 9: Fd Secret Santa owned by FuturisticDrafts
Number 10: GIFT L2Gift 1688266 owned by FuturisticDrafts

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: Inclu40 Square 136 owned by DragonsDen
Number 2: Record Missing owned by DragonsDen
Number 3: Inclu40 Joyous 2376650 owned by DragonsDen
Number 4: Inclu40 Irrigation 132 owned by DragonsDen
Number 5: Inclu40 Waterfowl 2376629 owned by DragonsDen
Number 6: Record Missing owned by DragonsDen
Number 7: Inclu40 Bloom 2376643 owned by DragonsDen
Number 8: 2398665 owned by pinkie3
Number 9: Inclu40 Horror 2376699 owned by DragonsDen
Number 10: Inclu40 Siamese 2376724 owned by DragonsDen

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Lopez948
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Lopez948
Number 3: Record Missing owned by BentrimsRanch
Number 4: Millennium Appy Mermaid owned by AzilizM
Number 5: Record Missing owned by morningice
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Lopez948
Number 7: Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm
Number 8: Record Missing owned by LookingGood
Number 9: Record Missing owned by AbidingPeace
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Appydays66

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by playbyheart
Number 2: Record Missing owned by DragnFly
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Mensie
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Corvus1
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Appydays66
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Amber
Number 7: Record Missing owned by DragnFly
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Mensie
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Mensie
Number 10: Record Missing owned by ChapelHillFarm

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Shaetani
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Shaetani
Number 4: Record Missing owned by DragonsDen
Number 5: Record Missing owned by runaround
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Sariani
Number 7: Record Missing owned by AzilizM
Number 8: Record Missing owned by DragonQueen
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Sariani
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Shaetani