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MESA SERVER | Year: 60 Era: 8

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 52 Non-Dun 1 Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: LH11S High Ten owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 2: Wicked Grass 141 owned by DragonsDen
Number 3: LH12S Moltres owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 4: M Power of Love YV9 owned by YakimaValley
Number 5: M Love Never Dies YV8 owned by YakimaValley
Number 6: Starbreds Kind Words BmX owned by Appydays66
Number 7: M Simply Powerful YV10 owned by YakimaValley
Number 8: M Perfect Crime YV7 owned by YakimaValley
Number 9: KAM Tribal 0G8 owned by Kamcdaniel3
Number 10: Fd Slow Morning owned by FuturisticDrafts

Top Producing Mare

Champion: Wicked Brick 141 owned by DragonsDen
Number 2: Zz Cap Surrogate Bigfoot owned by Walywoohoo
Number 3: ZzSummers Hawk G11 SUP owned by SummerMonarch
Number 4: Command Ladi Kiss Max owned by Walywoohoo
Number 5: Maximum Command Cardinal owned by Walywoohoo
Number 6: G8 Lady Kathryn Maxine owned by Walywoohoo
Number 7: AH Dark Office owned by AmberHaven300
Number 8: Commanding Ladi Default owned by Walywoohoo
Number 9: ZzSummers Titanhaw C owned by SummerMonarch
Number 10: Tiger46 Alloy BoP 134 owned by DragonsDen

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: Show 3182558 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 2: Show 3182557 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 3: Grass52 Depraved BoP 141 owned by DragonsDen
Number 4: Show 3182560 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 5: UB Barons Decree StSt s x owned by Unbridled
Number 6: KAM Artificial Holidays owned by Kamcdaniel3
Number 7: FH Cypress Tears owned by FLipsVonH
Number 8: FH Cloud Capital owned by FLipsVonH
Number 9: 3156611 owned by SummerMonarch
Number 10: FH Fantastic Gilded owned by FLipsVonH

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: E3X Ostentatious owned by Acorn
Number 2: E5 PleasantSubmit owned by TripleGFarm
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Kintara
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Khisanth
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Caitrina
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Caitrina
Number 7: Belle owned by BentrimsRanch
Number 8: QA4 2690466 owned by 12Quagga
Number 9: RS 2719935 Ostara owned by Bluemesa
Number 10: SC Starry owned by SCstables

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: SUP 1742887 YV2 owned by YakimaValley
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Dinascar2
Number 3: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 4: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Acorn
Number 6: Record Missing owned by TripleGFarm
Number 7: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 8: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 9: Record Missing owned by DunDreams
Number 10: Record Missing owned by SCstables

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 2: M AGA 2302050 YV9 owned by YakimaValley
Number 3: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 4: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 5: LH12S Forgot owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 7: Record Missing owned by DragonsDen
Number 8: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 9: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 10: LH12S Glucose owned by LadyhawkeStables