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MESA SERVER | Year: 60 Era: 8

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards

Showing All Awards for Year 54 Rabicano Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: TH Hawks Pleasure owned by TallyHo
Number 2: Kh Zlar Godiva Lion Pride owned by Khisanth
Number 3: TH Tobiano Street owned by TallyHo
Number 4: Kh Wicked Godiva Crown owned by Khisanth
Number 5: Kh Strieborn Titan Zlar owned by Khisanth
Number 6: Hiddens Embolden Win owned by LookingGood
Number 7: Rain Splash 1410 owned by TallyHo
Number 8: DP Chocolate Milk 1500 owned by DarkPhoenix
Number 9: GIFT L2Asf SmoothAgent owned by AlmostAllDun
Number 10: Kh Zle Striebro owned by Khisanth

Top Producing Mare

Champion: LH9G Double Time owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 2: Rhapsody Angel Impact cl SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 3: Rhapsody Primary Angel SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 4: Kh Titans Godivas Crown owned by Khisanth
Number 5: LH8G Boost Lilly SUP owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 6: Rhapsody Alhambra SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 7: DP Undaunted 1500 owned by DarkPhoenix
Number 8: Rhapsody Magic Angel CL SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 9: Rhapsody Not An Angel SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 10: Kh Power Godiva Clandestine owned by Khisanth

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: Sport Maker owned by ASHJ2
Number 2: Blessed Spice owned by ASHJ2
Number 3: Blessed Sport owned by ASHJ2
Number 4: UB Permissions owned by Unbridled
Number 5: Kh Simple Godiva Destiny owned by Khisanth
Number 6: Rhapsody 3281566 SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 7: Rhapsody Trick or Treat SBA owned by Rhapsody
Number 8: P Kh WOS x GDG 3276145 owned by Khisanth
Number 9: 3282810 30 days owned by ASHJ2
Number 10: TDCSvrBlkPrlSabAppRabHawk owned by TallyHo

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Acorn
Number 2: taco town 2642195 owned by ASHJ22
Number 3: Twilight Shadow 2889835 owned by ASHJ22
Number 4: CMA Delivery Spice owned by Caitrina
Number 5: 1E5Y SomethanBlue owned by TripleGFarm
Number 6: QA6 Charlotte Hornets RS owned by 12Quagga
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Slinkhound
Number 8: RAT Lucky DrkBayTobiRab 200605 owned by Ratrick
Number 9: K Powell Ex Per HP owned by Katrenee
Number 10: FR2702683 owned by Blackhillfarm

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by ASHJ22
Number 2: Record Missing owned by DragnFly
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Acorn
Number 4: Record Missing owned by YakimaValley
Number 5: Zz G2 2725065bip owned by ASHJ22
Number 6: 2E0R BaseAnchor owned by TripleGFarm
Number 7: ZW E3G2 MajorContract owned by Acorn
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Acorn
Number 9: ZW MicrophonePrimrose owned by Acorn
Number 10: E3G2 Reflections owned by Acorn

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 2: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 3: Record Missing owned by SummerMonarch
Number 4: LH12G Lodge owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 5: Show 2370722 owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 6: Record Missing owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 7: LH12S Glucose owned by LadyhawkeStables
Number 8: Ming LG owned by LookingGood
Number 9: LizBeth LG142 owned by LookingGood
Number 10: LH12S Software owned by LadyhawkeStables